Residential areas
In the Jouppi district, apartments in blocks of flats and low-rise buildings as well as terraced houses are available. The Katajalaakso residential area is suitable for anyone who appreciates the peace of nature.
In the southern part of the city, the residential areas of Pajuluoma, Törnävä, Soukkajoki, Simuna and Kärki have apartment buildings, terraced houses and small apartment buildings.
In the center of our city, as well as in the Uppa district, there are apartment buildings and student homes.
Pohja is located close to the services of the city centre behind the railway station.
Known for its greenery and park-likeness, Kasperi offers excellent opportunities for outdoor activities, sports and hobbies. The city center is about three kilometers away.
Nurmo's residential areas are suitable for those who appreciate the peace of nature and diverse outdoor activities.
In the southern part of the city of Seinäjoki, Peräseinäjoki also offers plenty of options for rental housing.
In Ylistaro, north of Seinäjoki, there are comfortable terraced houses in the city centre area, the station area and the Kylänpää, Kainasto, Kitinoja and Halkosaari areas.